Down the rabbit hole

Hi and welcome to my blog. I hope you can stick with me to the end and that you will be curious enough to come back again.

So why am I doing this? Well there are a few reasons really but I guess the main one is to get myself ‘out there’ by sharing the stuff that clogs up my head and just needs to be thrown out to see if it gets caught. Also I want to express more about my creative little business without clogging up my Facebook page feed and just let it all hang loose.

What will you find in my blog? Now that is something I don’t quite know yet. I see this as something that will (hopefully) take on a quality of it’s own and become something organic and almost tangible. All I know right now is that I will be showcasing some of my knitted creations in a sort of ‘behind-the-scenes’ manner as well as exploring general observations on my business progress and anything that feels like it needs to be shared.

So I guess it’s off on an adventure rather like Alice, learning as we go.




Author: creativewhirlwindblog

I am a mum to 4 amazing children. A wife, sister, daughter, auntie. A mystery to myself. I run my own little craft business too.

4 thoughts on “Down the rabbit hole”

  1. Hello & Welcome to blogging; I too started two different blogs so that I can finally get what is on my mind out and perhaps do something with all of these thoughts cluttered in my mind. Best wishes in your blogging journey here ~


  2. I also have just begun sharing the things inside my head. It was nice to read from someone else doing the same thing it can be very intimidating at times to just put yourself out there. I am definitely going to follow you! I am not sure where I will be heading with mine in catagory just yet but I am looking forward to more from you.


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